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Eleaf iJust ONE Kit

Eleaf iJust ONE Kit

Eleaf iJust ONE Kit

Eleaf iJust ONE Kit


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Eleaf iJust ONE Kit


The Eleaf iJust ONE Kit, a new all-in-one style by Eleaf, skillfully integrates a built-in battery with a 2ml tank in one tiny tube-like unit. With a single button to operate it, the iJust ONE comes across as an ordinary starter kit, but there is more to it than meets the eye. Not only can it be used with popular EC coils for direct lung inhaling, it is also compatible with GS coils for mouth to lung inhaling when using the provided EC Sleeve. In addition to the convenient top fill method, the iJust ONE is available in various attractive colors for your choice. 
Quick link: Eleaf EC 0.3/0.5ohm Head


●A Tiny Tube-Like Shape
●Well-selected Two Most Popular EC/GS Coils

Other Eleaf iJust Kit: Eleaf iJust ECM Kit, Eleaf iJust 21700 Kit, Eleaf iJust 3 Pro Kit, Eleaf iJust AIO Kit, Eleaf iJust 3 kit, Eleaf iJust Nexgen Kit, Eleaf iJust S Kit, Eleaf iJust Mini Kit.

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